Thursday, 25 July 2019


Early evening brought us a terrific thunder, lightning and hail storm.  Later, the damp air cooled and the warm ground steamed.....

"All Cock and Bu.. Rabbit"

I've just been through the orchard to fill the horse's haynets and found one of the young Cockerels making friends with one of the local rabbits.....

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


The latest batch of Holly Cottage Life wholemeal seeded bread is looking good.

Self Heal Heaven

I have never seen as much Self Heal growing here at the Cottage as we have this year. The meadow beside the Burn is covered in the stuff!  This is one of the low growing plants from the grazed land down there.

Monday, 15 July 2019

"Wild" Raspberry

For some reason we have what must be domestic raspberries growing on the banks beyond the orchard. I can only think that they have grown from seed spread by birds stealing the fruit growing in the garden.

This morning I found the first fruit on the "wild" plants, and it was delicious......

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Holly Cottage Poultry: Time for a dip?

Holly Cottage Poultry: Time for a dip?: It is a very sticky day here and one of the Muscovys is contemplating a dip in the Burn...

Time for a dip?

It is a very sticky day here and one of the Muscovys is contemplating a dip in the Burn...

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Free Ranging

One of the joys of keeping the poultry is seeing them out in the field, ranging and feeding as they wish.  Happy birds.....


The Foxgloves are flowering well here at the Cottage, many in full bloom with more on the way.  This clump is on the very edge of the meadow, above the Burn.

Monday, 8 July 2019


Two of the beautiful wildflowers on the meadow beside the Burn.  Birds Foot Trefoil and Self Heal.

... in the Bush

"The Hawthorn Tree, is the place to be...". (annon)

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

What a whopper!

I have no idea which fungi this is, but it is a whopper!  Obviously from a group that flavours dung rich ground....

Dog Violets

2nd of July and the Fog Violets are still flowering here on the scrub banks above our little Burn.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Self Heal on the Meadow

Our small meadow beside the delightfully named Bog Hall Burn is rich in wild flowers, though quite heavily grazed they are still very visible. One day we will no longer have the horses and will be able to manage the land more beneficially for wildflowers and it will be wonderful.