Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Nettle Gall

I spotted this Nettle Gall in the field this afternoon. Only the second one I have noticed though they will be very common, they are fascinating to look at close up.


The dogs discovered what looks to be an abandoned Dunnock's nest in a clump of bracken on the edge of our little meadow. Sadly it contained three eggs, a beautiful blue colour.  It was nice to see that the bird had used moulted hair from the horses to line it's tiny hidden nest.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Cardamine pratensis. Cuckoo Flower

One common wildflower that we don't have in great numbers here at the Cottage is the Cuckoo Flower. Cardamine pratensis, so I was really pleased to find one this lunchtime.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Egremont Russett

We only have one Egremont Russett eating apple at the moment, this one was seriously damaged not long after planting but we managed to save it. Four years later it is in full blossom and hopefully we will finally get to taste one in the autumn.

Egremont Russett

Worcester Pearmain

The Worcester Pearmain eating apple trees in the orchard are in full blossom. The hot dry summer last year meant we had very little fruit from these trees, fingers crossed for this autumn....

Worcester Pearmain

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Bramley Cooker

As the weather continues to be mild, our Bramley cooking apple tree continues to flower in profusion, bringing the hope of another crop to manage last year's which totaled around 200kg.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Scots Pines

One of my little projects at the moment is to grow trees, some to be planted at the cottage and the rest to be sold. The first to be sown are Scots Pines and the seeds are starting to germinate. Very exciting even if the end product is still five years away. Tomorrow I will be sowing some Dawn Redwoods.

Malus Golden Hornet

The fruit trees in the orchard are continuing to flower well, today I noticed that the Golden Hornet crab apple is carrying beautiful blossom.